CIB DE LUX NL Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CIB-J NJK SE JV-22 EJW-23 EJS-23


Nederlands Jeugdkampioen
Internationaal Jeugdkampioen
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Nederlands Kampioen
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Internationaal Kampioen
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D.O.B. 07-03-2022

CEA clear

Owner: Familie Rotmensen

Midday Sun at Lochkaren JW GB Ch. Lythwood Starlight Express GB Ch. Lythwood Sacha GB Ch. Lythwood Shalako
Lythwood Scarlett Ribbon
Lythwood Shakira GB Ch. Burnmist Midnight Dancer of Lysebourne
Lythwood Special K
Lavika Lead Time CIB Milesend Sky Walker GB Ch. Lythwood Sixsmith
Milesend Spinning Jenny
Lavika Prime Time Lythwood Shoestring of Milesend
GB Ch. Milesend Goodtimes at Lavika
Dandlewood Knickers In A Twist CIB SE NO Ch. Lythwood Sundealer GB Ch. Lythwood Scooby Doo GB Ch. Lythwood Sacha
Lythwood Stylist
Lythwood She’s Maria GB Ch. Milesend Night Force
Lythwood Swing Time
CIB NL DE BE Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK’14 BWNL’17 NORD SE FI DK Ch. Tachnamadra The Designer CIB NORD GB SE DK NO Ch. Japaro By Design
Tachnamadra Time Will Tell
Daisyway Betty Lou GB Ch. Blaze field Hard Rock Café at Edglonian
Daisyway Pandora’s Melody

These are our dogs!
CIB-J NJK JW’24 Dandlewood Letter By Letter
NJK Lundecock’s Misschief
CIB-J NO Jr.Ch. NO JV-24 EJW-24 Dandlewood Love Letter
Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray
Lundecock’s Shape Of Art NJK
CIB BE DK LUX NL Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CIB-J NJK JWW’23 W’23
CIB DE LUX NL Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CIB-J NJK SE JV-22 EJW-23 EJS-23
CIB FI LUX NL NO PL SE Ch. WW’24 CW’24 EVW’24 W’24 VW’24 Lundecock’s Final Salute
Dandlewood Hold My Beer

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