
Results of 2025

6 January 2024, MyDog 2, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs A. Drott (SE) 
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter 3rd Best Male, Best Junior, Cert, JCACIB

BOB Junior: Dandlewood Letter By Letter

5 January 2024, MyDog 1, Zweden (Nordic Cert)
Judge: Mr M. James (GB) 
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter 3rd Best Male, Best Junior, Cert

Results of 2024

1 december 2024, Dutch Winner, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr G. Jeavons (Breed), Mr J. Liimatainen (Veteran) 
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, Dutch Winner BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute VCAC-VCACIB, CAC, Dutch Veteran Winner, Dutch Winner, Best In Show Veteran
1.Exc Ch. Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock Me RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Dandlewood No-Nonsense JCAC-JCACIB, BOB junior, Dutch Junior Champion, Dutch Junior Winner
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter JCAC-JCACIB, BOS junior

BOB: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy. Picture by Mike Dols.
BIS Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

30 november 2024, Tulip Cup, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr G. Hill (Breed), Mr E. Petterson (Veteran) 
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute VCAC-VCACIB, Dutch Veteran Champion, Best In Show Veteran
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter JCAC-JCACIB, BOB junior, Dutch Junior Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood No-Nonsense JCAC-JCACIB, BOS junior

BIS Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

29 november 2024, Fryslan Cup, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr M. Wibier (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter JCAC-JCACIB, BOB junior
1.Exc Dandlewood No-Nonsense JCAC-JCACIB, BOS junior
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute RCACIB

Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy. Picture by Mike Dols

10 november 2024, Danish Winner Show, Denemarken (Cert-CACIB)
Judge: Mr J. Andersson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter, 2BHKL Cert-CACIB

10 november 2024, Herbstsieger, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs S. Boyd (Breed) & Mr G. Schäfer (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, International Champion

Best In Group: Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock

9 november 2024, Bundessieger, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs S. Langhorst- de Haan (DE)
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock RCAC

6 oktober 2024, Nordic Dogshow Sundsvall, Zweden (Cert, Nordic Cert)
Judges: Mrs C. Bjerstedt-Ohlsson (SE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Shape Of Art Cert, Reserve Nordic Cert, 2BTKL

4 oktober 2024, National Specialty Show Celje, Slovenië (CAC)
Judges: Mrs C. Åkesson (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, BOB, Slovenian Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute VCAC, BOB Veteran, BOS, Slovenian Veteran Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCAC, BOB Junior, Slovenian Junior Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter JCAC, BOS Junior

BOB: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy, BOS & BOB Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute, BOB Junior: Dandlewood Love Letter

4 oktober 2024, European Dogshow Celje, Slovenië (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs L. Oklescen (Breed) & Mrs N. Timmermans-Kadenko (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute VCAC-VCACIB, European Veteran Winner, BOB Veteran, BOB, Best Veteran in Group
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, European Winner, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCAC-JCACIB, European Junior Winner, BOB Junior
2.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter

BOB & BOB Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute, BOS: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy, BOB Junior: Dandlewood Love Letter
Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute
Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy
Dandlewood Love Letter

3 oktober 2024, IDS Platinum Winner Show, Slovenië (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs A. Lundava (EE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter JCAC-JCACIB, BOB Junior, BOS, International Junior Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute VCAC-VCACIB, BOB Veteran
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCAC-JCACIB, BOS Junior

BOB: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy, BOS & BOB Junior: Dandlewood Letter By Letter, BOB Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

30 september 2024, IDS Maastricht II, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs A. Gielisse (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCAC-JCACIB, CAC, BOB Junior, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter JCAC-JCACIB, RCAC, BOS Junior
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute VCAC-VCACIB, BOB Veteran

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Shape and Make & BOS: Dandlewood Love Letter

29 september 2024, IDS Maastricht I, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs L. Mouchart (Breed) & Mrs M. Winkens (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIS3 Veteran
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCAC-JCACIB, BOB Junior, International Junior Champion
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC-CACIB, International Champion
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock RCACIB

Best In Show Veteran 3: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

15 september 2024, National Dogshow Gimo, Zweden (Cert)
Judges: Mr P. Ragnarsson (Breed) Mrs C. Muldoon (Group)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter Letter Cert, BOB junior, BOB, BIG2

BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Morning Rain & BOB: Dandlewood Love Letter

14 september 2024, National Dogshow Tomlilla, Zweden (Cert)
Judge: Mr T. Are Karlsson (NO)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter Letter Cert, 3rd Best Bitch, BOB junior

8 september 2024, Nordic Dogshow Högby, Zweden (Cert)
Judge: Mrs C. Åkkeson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter Letter Reserve Cert, 2nd Best Bitch, BOB junior

7 september 2024, Svenska Shetland Sheepdogklubben Utställingar, Zweden (Cert)
Judge: Mrs P. Eerola (FI)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter Letter Cert, BOS

BOB: Ch. Frostice Make-over, BOS: Dandlewood Love Letter. Picture by Åsa Hedlöf.

7 september 2024, National Dog Show Öland, Zweden (Cert)
Judges: Mr J. Ohlsson (Breed) & Mr P. Bottagisio (Junior)
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter Cert, BOS, Best In Show Junior

BIS Junior: Dandlewood Letter By Letter

1 september 2024, IDS Luxembourg II, Luxembourg (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs N. Skalin (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Wathcing Me CAC-CACIB, Luxembourg Champion, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-RCACIB
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCAC-RCACIB

30 augustus 2022, IDS Luxembourg I, Luxembourg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs R. Wagner (LUX)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-CACIB, Luxembourg Champion, BOS
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC

24 Augustus 2024, National Dog Show Backamo, Zweden (Cert)
Judges: Mr T. Rohlin (Breed) & Mr S. Helgesen (Junior)
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter 2nd Best male, Cert, BOB Junior, Best In Show Junior 3
2.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter, 3rd best bitch

BIS 3 Junior: Dandlewood Letter By Letter

24 augustus 2024, SRA Gummersbach, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs K. Main (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CAC

24 augustus 2024, IDS Mechelen, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr H. Wagner (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-CACIB BOS

18 Augustus 2024, Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Wales Championship Show, Engeland
Judge: Mr R. Thomas (Males), Mrs L. Vidak (Bitches) & Mrs M. Botham (Referee)
1. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CC, Best In Show
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute Best Veteran In Show

BIS Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute & BIS: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy. Picture by Joanne Hardy.

18 Augustus 2024, Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show, Engeland
Judge: Mrs M. Withers (GB)
1. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CC, BOS
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute Best Veteran

18 Augustus 2024, Nordic Dog Show Norrköpping, Zweden (Cert, Nordic Cert)
Judges: Mrs A. Edlander (Breed), Mr J. Palmer (Group) & Mr J. Liimataninen (Junior)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter BOB, Cert, Nordic Cert, BOB Junior, BIG 2, Best In Show Junior 2
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter, Cert, 2nd best male, BOS Junior

BOB: Dandlewood Love Letter. Picture by Angelica Fäger.
BOS Junior: Dandlewood Letter By Letter & BOB Junior: Dandlewood Love Letter. Picture by Angelica Fäger.

17 augustus 2024, IDS Eskilstuna, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Mr K. Nilsson (Breed) & Mr J. Stääv (Junior)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter 2nd Best Bitch, Reserve Cert, JCACIB, Best In Show Junior 2

BIS Junior 2: Dandlewood Love Letter

17 Augustus 2024, Huntingdonshire Canine Open Show, Engeland
Judges: Mrs M. Dillon (Breed & Group) & Mr T. Hutchingson (Veteran)
1. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy BOB, BIG
Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute BIS Veteran

BIS Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

4 augustus 2024, Nordic Dog Show Eskilstuna, Zweden (Cert, Nordic Cert)
Judges: Mr P. Lundström (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter 2nd Best Male, Cert, Res.Nordic Cert, BOB Junior

Dandlewood Letter By Letter. Picture by Zandra Berglund

28 juli 2024, German Winner Show, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr J. Wauben (NL)
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me, RCAC-RCACIB

28 juli 2024, Nordic Dog Show Ransäter, Zweden (Cert, Nordic Cert)
Judges: Mr J. Andersson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter 2nd Best Bitch, Cert, JCACIB, Res.Nordic Cert, BOB Junior

20 juli 2024, IDS Märsta, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Mr T. Lindström (NO)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter 2nd Best Bitch, Cert, JCACIB, BOB Junior
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter BOS, Cert, JCACIB, BOS Junior

BOS Junior: Dandlewood Letter By Letter & BOB Junior: Dandlewood Love Letter

13 juli 2024, IDS Västeras, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Mr P. Ragnarsson (Breed) & Mrs L. Molin (Junior)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter 4th Best Bitch, Cert, JCACIB, BIS Junior
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter 3rd Best Male, Res.Cert, JCACIB

Best In Show Junior: Dandlewood Love Letter

7 juli 2024, NDS Hoogeveen, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs E. Bakker-de Woestijnen (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC, BOB, Dutch Champion

7 juli 2024, Oslo Winner Show, Noorwegen (Cert-CACIB)
Judge: Mr M. James (GB)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCACIB, Cert, best bitch, BOS, Oslo Junior Winner, Oslo Winner, Norwegian Junior Champion

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Coconut & BOS: Dandlewood Love Letter

6 juli 2024, Norwegian Winner Show Sandefjord, Noorwegen (Nordic Cert, Cert)
Judge: Mrs B. West (AUST)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCACIB, Cert, 4th best bitch, Norwegian Junior Winner

5 juli 2024, IDS Sandefjord, Noorwegen (CACIB-Cert)
Judge: Mrs K. Nölke (DE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCACIB, Res.Cert, 3rd best bitch

30 juni 2024, Svenska Shetland Sheepdog Klubb Specialty Show, Zweden (Cert)
Judge: Mrs M. ten Cate (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter Best Bitch, Cert, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Letter By Letter 2nd Best Male, Cert

Dandlewood Love Letter. Pictures by Angelica Fäger
Dandlewood Letter By Letter. Picture by Angelica Fäger

29 juni 2024, IDS De Utrecht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs C. Høier (Breed), Mr G. Nyman (Group) & Mrs R. Leenen (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC, VCACIB, BOS, BIS Veteran
1.Exc Lundecock’s Final Salute RCAC-CACIB
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock RCACIB

BOB: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy & BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

16 juni 2024, IDS Vejen, Denemarken (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Mr G. Hill (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me 2nd Best Male, RCACIB

15 juni 2024, IDS Mohed, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs S. Krigholm (Breed), Mrs C. Rooney (Junior)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter 2nd Best Bitch, Cert JCACIB, Best Junior, BIS Junior In Show 3

BIS3 Junior: Dandlewood Love Letter. Picture by Lotta Olsson

15 juni 2024, Nordic Dogshow Vejen, Denemarken (Cert-Nordic.Cert)
Judges: Mr H. Van de Berg (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me 2nd Best Male, Nordic Cert

14 juni 2024, IDS Vejen, Denemarken (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Mr K. Berge (DK)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me Best Male 3, Cert-RCACIB, Danish Champion

8 juni 2024, IDS Eindhoven, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs A. Gregoire (Breed), Mr C. Hastings (Group) & Mr J. de Cuyper (Best In Show)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS2, New Dutch Champion
1.Exc Lundecock’s Final Salute RCAC-RCACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCAC-RCACIB

RBIS: Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me
RBIS: Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me

31 mei 2024, Southern Counties Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judges: Mrs M. Arnould (GB)
1.Exc Dandlewood Kiss ‘N’ Tell at Lianbray CC BOB

25 mei 2024, Kampioenschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs D. Pearson (Dogs) and Mrs C. Stafford (Bitches) 
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC, BOB, Clubwinnaar 2024
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock RCAC
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCAC
1.Exc Lundecock’s Misschief JCAC, Best Junior, Dutch Junior Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC, Best Veteran
Best Breeders Group
Best Progeny Group: Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back & BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute
Best Bitch: Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back & Reserve Best Bitch: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy
BOS Junior: Private Dancer The Sprightly Twinkle & BOB Junior: Lundecock’s Misschief
BOB Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

24 mei 2024, Europa Sieger, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr R. Blessing (breed), Mr M. Krinke (group) & Mr M. Lepesaar (BIS)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, RBIS, German Champion

RBIS: Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock

19 mei 2024, IDS Gimo, Zweden (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs M. Östlund (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Love Letter JCACIB, 3rd Best Bitch, Best Junior

Dandlewood Love Letter. Picture by Åsa Lindholm

19 mei 2024, Pinkstershow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs B. van de Berg (Breed), Mrs E. Bakker-de Woestijnen (Group) & Mr H. Hoenderken (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, Best In Show Veteran
1.Exc Lundecock’s Misschief JCAC-JCACIB

BIG2: Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story
BIS Veteran: Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
Lundecock’s Misschief

11 mei 2024, Joe Kat Show, Nederland (CAC)
Judges: Mrs I. Bouwer (breed) & Mr J. Ebels (veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC, Best In Show Veteran
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, BOS

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute & BOS: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy

25 april 2024, Croatian Winner, Kroatië (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr K. Mustonen (FI)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute RCAC
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC, BOB Veteran, Veteran Croatian Winner 2024
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, Croatian Champion

25 april 2024, World Dogshow Zagreb, Kroatië (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs H. Hallmarsdottir (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOS, World Winner 2024
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, Veteran World Winner 2024
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-RCACIB

24 april 2024, International Spring Dogshow, Kroatië (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr D. Kuzelj (SL)
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, International Veteran Champion

20 april 2024, International Dogshow Antwerpen, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr E. Patterson (Breed) & Mr R. Kotlar(Group)
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG

BIG Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

14 april 2024, International Dogshow Rijnland, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr A. Tunold-Hanssen (Breed & Group)
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Misschief JCAC-JCACIB, RCAC

BIG Ch.Lundecock’s Final Salute

17 maart 2024, Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wales Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judges: Mrs B. Thornley (dogs) & Mrs M. Lambert (bitches)
1. Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray CC, BIS

CC & BIS: Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray
BIS: Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray & RBIS: Ch. Edglonian Golden Graham

9 maart 2024, Crufts, Birmingham, Engeland (CC)
Judges: Mr S. Hall (dogs) & Dr J. Hill (bitches)
1. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCC
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute Best Veteran

RCC: Dandlewood Easy Peasy

3 maart 2024, Martini Dogshow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr M. Draganescu (Breed) & Mr J. Homem de Mello (Group)
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2
1. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCACIB

25 Februari 2024, Hond Van Het Jaae Show, Nederland
Judge: Mrs M. ten Cate (NL)
BIG 1 Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story

19 januari 2024, Manchester Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judge: Mr G. Duffield (GB)
2. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCC
1. Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute Best Veteran

13 januari 2024, NDS Genk, België (CAC)
Judges: Mr B. Hendersson (Breed) & Mr P. Harsanyi (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, BOS, Belgian Champion

Results of 2023

17 December 2023, IDS Brussels, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr Y. Barak Lifac (IS)
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CAC-RCACIB

16 December 2023, NDS Brussels, België (CAC)
Judges: Mr D. Ramos Martinez (ES)
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CAC, BOB

10 December 2023, IDS Kerstshow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs A. van Bussel (Breed) & Mr J. DeCuyper (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG3, Dutch Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Shape Of Art CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Just Stylish RCAC-RCACIB, Dutch & International Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, BOB Veteran
1.VP Lundecock’s Misschief Best Minor Puppy

25 november 2023, Dutch Winner, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr J. Andersson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CAC-CACIB, Winner, BOS
2.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock RCAC-RCACIB

24 november 2023, Fryslan Cup, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr G. Kostopoulos (Breed), Mr J. Ebels (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC, VCAC-VCACIB, Best Veteran
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCACIB

BIG2 Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

4 november 2023, Bundessieger, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs R. Wagner (LU)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-CACIB, BOS, Crufts Qualification

3 november 2023, Herbstsieger, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr M. Wirth (DE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC-CACIB, BOS

15 oktober 2023, IDS Bleiswijk, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs J. Wall (Breed), Mr K. Mustonen (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC, VCAC-VCACIB, Best Veteran In Show
1.VP Lundecock’s Summer Paradise Best Minor Puppy

Best Veteran In Show: Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

14 oktober 2023, Kampioenschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging, Nederland (CAC)
Judges: Mrs M. ten Cate (Dogs) & Mrs van de Berg (Bitches)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC, BOB, BIS, Clubwinnaar 2023
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Just Stylish

Best Bitch: Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story & Reserve Best Bitch: Ch. Lundecock’s That’s My Princess

17 september 2023, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs C. Navarro Guisado (Breed and Group), Mr J. Wauben (BIS) & Mr R. Garcia Parrondo (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, Dutch Veteran Champion, BIS Veteran

Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet BIS Veteran & Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute BIS

16 september 2023, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs R. van Veen-Keur (Breed) & Mr G. Jipping (Group and Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Just Stylish CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG3
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, BIS Veteran

10 september 2023, Outdoor Zwolle, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs I. Bouwer (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC

3 september 2023, IDS Luxembourg II, Luxembourg (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr G. Schäffer (Breed) & Mr L. Heinesche (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish CAC-RCACIB, Luxembourg & Swedish Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, BOB Veteran, BIS 2 Veteran

2 september 2023, IDS Luxembourg I, Luxembourg (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs R. Blessing (Breed), Mr G. Cox (Group) & Mr J. Liimatainen (Veteran)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2, Luxembourg Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish CAC-RCACIB,
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet VCAC-VCACIB, BOB Veteran, BIS 2 Veteran, Luxembourg Veteran Champion

31 augustus 2023, City of Birmingham Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judge: Mrs S. Atkins (GB)
1. Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray RCC

24 augustus 2023, World Dog Show Geneva, Zwitserland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr P. Harsanyi (Breed) & Mr S. Sinko (Junior)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS, Swiss Champion, World Winner’23
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me JCAC-JCACIB, Best Junior In Group 2, Junior World Winner’23
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC, Swiss Champion

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Coconut & BOS: Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise
Best In Group Junior 2: Dandlewood Keep Watching Me

23 augustus 2023, Grand Prix de Geneve, Zwitserland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr M. James (Breed) & Mr J. Kerihuel (Junior)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me JCAC-JCACIB, International Junior Champion, Best Junior In Group
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC

BOB: Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise
Best Junior In Group: Dandlewood Keep Watching Me
Best Junior In Group: Dandlewood Keep Watching Me. Picture by Martina Corrado

19 augustus 2023, IDS Mechelen, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs C. Mulcahy (Breed and Group) & Mr J. Eberhardt (BIS)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS3
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me JCAC-JCACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC-CACIB

Best In Show 3: Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise

6 augustus 2023, National Dogshow Rotterdam, Nederland (CAC)
Judges: Mrs C. Rooney (Breed) & Mrs C. van Raamsdonk (Veteran)
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me JCAC-CAC, BOB, Dutch Junior Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lythwood Sweetheart RCAC, VCAC, Best Veteran In Show 3
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute RCAC
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Sticky Fingers VCAC

BOB: Dandlewood Keep Watching Me
Best Veteran In Show 3: Ch. Lythwood Sweetheart

22 juli 2023, Midwestern Shetland Sheepdog Club Open Show, Engeland
Judge: Mr D. Mc Donald (IE)
1. Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray Reserve Best Bitch

29 mei 2023, Pinkstershow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr D. Spruyt (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute RCAC-CACIB
2. Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story RCACIB

28 mei 2023, National Dogshow Wieze, België (CAC)
Judge: Mr A. Cronander (Breed + Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute CAC, BOB, BIG
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC, BOS

Best In Group: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

21 mei 2023, Agria Winner Show Herning, Denemarken (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr K. Scheel (DK)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock JCAC-JCACIB, Agria Junior Winner

20 mei 2023, European Dog Show Herning, Denemarken (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs M. Östlund-Holmsten (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock JCAC-JCACIB, BOB Junior, European Junior Winner

BOB Junior: Dandlewood Knock Knock. Picture by Dora Levstek

14 mei 2023, Europa Sieger Dortmund, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs I. Reibert (DE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock JCAC-JCACIB, Europa Jugend Sieger, International Junior Champion

7 mei 2023, International Dogshow Gent II, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr A. Zeppi (IT)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CAC-CACIB, BOS

6 mei 2023, International Dogshow Gent I, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr T. Leenen (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CAC-CACIB, BOS, International Champion
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock JCAC-JCACIB

BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On. Picture by Mike Dols

6 mei 2023, Nordic Dogshow Skara, Zweden (Cert, Nordic Cert)
Judges: Mrs A. Karlsberg (Breed) & Mrs D. Korna (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise Cert, Nordic Cert, Swedish Champion, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise Res.Cert, Res.Nordic Cert, 2BTKL
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish Res.Cert, Res.Nordic Cert, 2BHKL
2.Exc Dandlewood Hold My Beer 4BHKL

BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Coconut & BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise. Picture by Elin Drougge
Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise BIG2. Picture by Per Undén

29 april 2023, International Dogshow Oss, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr R. Doedijns (Breed) & Mr M. Wibier (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me JCAC-JCACIB, RCAC

Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All BIG

23 april 2023, Svenska Shetland Sheepdog Klubben Show Vilsta , Zweden (Cert)
Judge: Mrs T. Gartland (males)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream 3BHKL

22 april 2023, IDS lathi, Finland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr A. Zeppi (IT)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back 1BTKL, CAC-CACIB, BOS, Fins Kampioen
3.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream 4BKL, RCAC

BOB: Lundecock’s Morning Rain & BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back

9 april 2023, Nat. Dogshow Goes, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mr A. Beare (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CAC, BOB, Nederlands Jeugdkampioen
2.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC

18 maart 2023, Holland Cup Winner, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr M. Wibier (Breed), Mr P. Jentgen (Group)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, Holland Cup Winner, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock JCAC-JCACIB, CAC, Holland Cup Winner, Holland Cup Junior Winner, BOS
2.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me RCAC

18 maart 2023, IDS Bö, Noorwegen (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr M. Lepesaar (EE)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back 3BTKL, Cert, Norwegian Champion

Ch. Lundecock’s Theodor & Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back

10 maart 2023, Crufts, Birmingham (CC)
Judge: Mrs T. Gartland (dogs) & Mrs G. Richardson (bitches)
1st Veteran Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet Best Veteran
1st Junior Dandlewood Keep Watching Me
1st Junior Dandlewood Kiss’n Tell at Lianbray
2nd Yearling Dandlewood Knock Knock
5th Open Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy

Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet. Photo taken by Aidan Bourke

5 maart 2023, IDS Groningen, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs A. Duggan (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All CAC-CACIB, BOB, Dutch Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock JCAC-JCACIB, RCAC, Best Junior In Group

Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All

19 Januari 2023, Manchester Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judge: Mr A. Wight (Breed), Mr J. Horsewell (Puppy Group)
1. Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCC
1. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me Beste Puppy, Best Puppy in Group 2

Best Puppy Dandlewood Keep Watching Me, photo by Sandra Taylor

9 Januari 2023, IDS Genk, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs B. Petkevica (LV)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story 2xCAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream 2xCAC-CACIB, Belgian Champion, BOS

BOB Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story
BOS Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream

6 Januari 2023, MyDog II, Zweden (Cert-Nord.Cert)
Judge: Mrs A. Johansson (SE)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CK Res.Cert, 3rd best bitch

5 Januari 2023, MyDog I, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs C. Sonberg (NO)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CK Cert, CACIB, Swedish Champion, BOS

Results of 2022:

12 December 2022, Kerstshow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs C. Kersemeijer (Breed), Mrs E. Bakker-de Woestijnen (Group), Mrs T. Hensema-van der Weij (Breeders Group)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG3
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me JCAC-JCACIB

Best In Show breeders Group

BOS: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy & BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All

12 December 2022, Swedish Winner Show, Zweden (Cert-Nord.Cert)
Judge: Mrs N. Skalin (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CK Cert, Nord.Cert, Swedish Winner 2022, Swedish Champion, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CK 4th best Bitch
1.Exc Dandlewood Knock Knock CK Cert, Nord.Cert, Swedish Junior Winner, Best Junior, 2nd best dog
2.Exc Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CK
2.Exc Lundecock’s Shape Of Art CK

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Coconut & BOS: Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story
Dandlewood Knock Knock 2nd Best Male & Best Junior

12 December 2022, Brussels Dog Show, België (CAC)
Judge: Mr T. Hehir (IE)
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCAC
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All RCAC

12 December 2022, IDS Brussel, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr D. Spruyt (BE)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All RCAC-RCACIB
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On 2xCAC, Belgian Champion

11 December 2022, Brussels Dog Show, België (CAC)
Judge: Mr C. de Giuliani (IT)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy 2xCAC BOB
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All

11 December 2022, IDS Brussel, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr S. Hadjisavvas (CY)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All 2xCAC CACIB BOB
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC

11 December 2022, LKA Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judge: Mrs L. Pettitt (GB)
1st Puppy Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray Best Puppy

26 November 2022, Dutch Winner Show, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed & Breeders Group: Mr M. Johansson (SE) 

1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, Winner-22, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, Winner-22, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On VCAC-VCACIB, Veteran Winner-22, Best Veteran
1.VP Dandlewood Knock Knock Best Puppy
Best In Show Breeders Group: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy, Dandlewood Knock Knock, Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story, Dandlewood Just Stylish

Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy, Dandlewood Knock Knock, Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story, Dandlewood Just Stylish
Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy

25 November 2022, Fryslan Cup, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs A. Gielisse (NL), Breeders Group: Mrs S Lepesaar (EE) 

1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Lundecock’s Shape Of Art, JCAC-JCACIB, RCAC, Best Junior, Dutch Junior Champion
1.VP Dandlewood Keep Watching Me Best Puppy
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story RCACIB
Best In Show Breeders Group: Dandlewood Knock Knock, Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story, Dandlewood Keep Watching Me, Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy

Dandlewood Knock Knock, Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story, Dandlewood Keep Watching Me, Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy

20 November 2022, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs A. Albrigo (IT)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOB, International Champion, Crufts Qualification
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish CAC-CACIB, BOS, Crufts Qualification

BOS: Dandlewood Just Stylish & BOB: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy

5 November 2022, IDS Bleiswijk, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs J. Dekker (NL), Group: Mrs K. Nölke (DE) 
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream RCAC-RCACIB

29 Oktober 2022, Kampioenschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs R. van Veen-Keur (NL) (Dogs) and Mrs N. Timmermans-Kadenko (NL) (Bitches) 
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC, BOB, Clubwinnaar 2021
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise RCAC
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish, JCAC, RCAC, Best Junior
1.VP Dandlewood Keep Watching Me Best Puppy
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On VCAC
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
Best Brace Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet & Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise

Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story & Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise
Dandlewood Keep Watching Me
Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On
Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet & Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise

15 Oktober 2022, English Shetland Sheepdog Club Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judge: Mrs M. ten Cate (NL)
1st Minor Puppy & Novice Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray

11 september 2022, Outdoor Zwolle, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mr R. Doedijns (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC, BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish RCAC, JCAC

1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story RCAC
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On VCAC, Beste Veteraan, Dutch Veteran Champion, Dutch Grand Champion
1VP Dandlewood Knock Knock Beste Puppy

18 september 2022, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr G. Duffield (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC-JCACIB, Beste Junior
1.Exc Lundecock’s Shape Of Art JCAC-JCACIB

28 augustus 2022, IDS Rotterdam, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs A. van Bussel (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC-JCACIB

27 augustus 2022, IDS Rotterdam, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr H. van de Berg (NL), Group: Mrs M. Tufte (NO)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG3, Dutch & International Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC-JCACIB, CAC, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream RCACIB

21 augustus 2022, IDS Mechelen, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed & Group: Mr A. Kelly (IE), BIS: Mr. J. De Cuypers (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS4, International Champion
2.Exc Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC-RCACIB

21 augustus 2022, Nordic Dogshow Norrköping, Zweden (Cert-Nordic Cert)
Judge: Mrs A. Karlsson (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute Nordic Cert, BOS

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Sunshine & BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute. Picture by Angelica Fäger
Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute. Picture by Angelica Fäger

20 augustus 2022, IDS Eskilstuna, Zweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judges: Breed: Mrs B. Svarstad (SE), Group: Mr T. Rohlin (DK), BIS: Mr. H. Tast (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute BOB, BIG, BIS3

BIG & BIS3 Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute
BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute & BOS: Ch. Lundecock’s Fools Paradise

2 juli 2022, IDS Utrecht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr T. Rohlin (DK), Group: Mrs G. de Wit-Bazelmans (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Lundecock’s Shape Of Art JCAC, RCAC

24 juni 2022, World Winner 2020 Madrid, Spanje (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs J. Korózs-Papp (HU), Junior Group: Mr F. Ranea Munill (ES)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOB, World Winner
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC, Best Junior, Junior World Winner, BIG4 Junior

Dandlewood Just Stylish. Picture by Elin Drougge
Dandlewood Just Stylish. Picture by Elin Drougge

23 juni 2022, CAC Specialty, Spanje (CAC)
Judge: Mrs S. Desserne (FR)
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story RCAC
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC, BOS Junior, New Spanish Junior Champion

23 juni 2022, RSCE Winner, Spanje (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed & Group: Mr A. Korózs (HU)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG4, RSCE Winner and new Spanish Champion
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC, BOS, Best Junior, RSCE Junior Winner

5 juni 2022, IDS Holland Cup, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr H. Kliebenstein (DE), Group: Mr A. Polgar (SK)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG3
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC

4 juni 2022, IDS Holland Cup, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr M. Wibier (DE), Group: Mr R. Vasec (RS)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, Holland Cup Winner, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, Holland Cup Winster, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Just Stylish JCAC, RCAC, Holland Cup Junior Winner

28 mei 2022, IDS Gimo, Sweden (Cert-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs A. Rylander (SE), Group: Mrs M. Persson (SE), BIS: Mr C. Stafberg
1.BHKL Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute, BOB, BIG, BIS
1.BTKL Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CACIB, BOS

BOB: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute & BOS: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy. Picture by Zandra Berglund
Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute. Picture by Zandra Berglund
Best In Show: Ch. Lundecock’s Final Salute

26 mei 2022, Svenska Shetland Sheepdog Klubben Show Vilsta , Sweden (Cert)
Judge: Mrs J. Hill (GB)
1.BTKL Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy BOS

BOB: Ch. Frostice Make Over & BOS: Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy. Picture by Zandra Berglund
Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy. Picture by Jenny Starborg

26 mei 2022, Joe Kat Show, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mr G. Jipping (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC, BIS 3, New Dutch Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On VCAC, Best Veteran

Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise BIS3

8 mei 2022, IDS Gent, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs C. Høier (DK), Group: Mrs F. Clarke (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS

7 mei 2022, IDS Gent, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs N. Clarke (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC-CACIB, BOB, Internationaal Kampioen
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOS

23 april 2022, WELKS Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judge: Mrs D. Rowan (GB)
3rd Open Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream
4th Open Dandlewood End Of Story

17 april 2022, IDS Luxemburg, Luxemburg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs M. Blaha (AU)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC-RCACIB, Luxembourg Champion

16 april 2022, IDS Luxemburg, Luxemburg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr L. Heinesche (LU)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, Luxembourg Champion
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS, Luxembourg Champion
1.Exc Ch.Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-RCACIB, Luxembourg Champion

27 maart 2022, IDS KV Rijland, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs T. Hensema (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On VCAC, Beste Veteraan, BVIS3
1VP Lundecock’s Shape Of Art Beste Puppy

20 maart 2022, Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wales Championship Show, Engeland (CC)
Judges: Mrs G. Bray (Bitches) & Mr K. Motram (Dogs)
1st Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CC, Best In Show
1st Open Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise CC, RBIS
1st Spec. Open Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream

Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise & Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

10 maart 2022, Crufts, Birmingham, Engeland (CC)
Judges: Mrs M. Thomas (Bitches) & Mrs B. Thornley (Dogs)
5th Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

5 February 2022, IDS Eindhoven, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr J. de Cuyper (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, Dutch Champion
1.VP Dandlewood Just Stylish Best Minor Puppy

Results of 2021:

31 December 2021, European Winner, Hongarije (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr B. Skalin (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, Hungarian Champion, European Winner
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS, Hungarian Champion, European Winner
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC, Hungarian Champion
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC

30 December 2021, European Club Show AAPKK, Hongarije (CAC)
Judge: Breed & BOS in Show: Mrs A. Albrigo (HU), BIS: Mrs A. Albrigo (IT), Mr G. Duffield (GB) and Mr C. Fricke (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC, BOB, BIS3
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC, BOS, Best Opposite In Show
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC
1.Exc Lundecock’s Russian Dream

28 December 2021, Grand Prix Winner, Hongarije (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr P. Harsanyi (HU), Group: Mr G. Jipping (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB, BOB, Grand Prix Winner 2021, BIG3
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story RCAC

21 November 2021, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs K. McDevitt (IE) 
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story RCAC-RCACIB

24 Oktober 2021, IDS Gelsenkirchen (Bundessieger), Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs H. Müller-Heinz (DE) 
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, Bundessieger
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS, Bundessiegerin, German Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-RCACIB

3 Oktober 2021, SRA Erwitte, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs P. Bartz (DE) 
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC

2 Oktober 2021, Kampioenschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging (CAC)
Judge: Mrs L. Mouchart-Kleingeld (NL) (Dogs) and Mrs J. Dekker (NL) (Bitches) 
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, BOB, Clubwinnaar 2021
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream RCAC
2.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise RCAC
1.Exc Dandlewood Hold My Beer JCAC, Nederlands Jeugdkampioen
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise
2.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story
2.Exc Dandlewood Double Trouble

26 september 2021, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr. J. Sr. Walsh (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-CACIB, BOS

25 september 2021, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs. C. Dunne (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCAC-RCACIB
2.Exc Dandlewood Hold My Beer

18 september 2021, Copenhagen Winnershow Ballerup, Denmark (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr. A. Zeppi (IT)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, BOB, Copenhagen Winner, Danish and Swedish Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOS, Copenhagen Winner

18 september 2021, Svenska Shetland Sheepdog Klubben Show Högbo Bruk , Sweden (Cert)
Judge: Mrs. U. Bergh-Persson (SE)
1.BTKL Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC, BOS, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish Champion

12 september 2021, Nordic Dog Show Gimo, Sweden (Cert-Nord.Cert)
Judge: Breed: Mrs. C. Lundberg Westin (SE), Group: Mrs. A.C. Edoff (SE)
1.BTKL Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-Nord.Cert, BOB, BIG2

5 september 2021, IDS Luxembourg, Luxembourg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr. H. Wagner (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB, BOB, International and Luxembourg Champion

4 september 2021, IDS Luxembourg, Luxembourg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs. H. Assenmacher (DE), Group: Mr. P. Jentgen(LU)
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC-CACIB, Crufts qualification, BOB, BIG2
1.Exc Ch. Lythwood Charlotte CAC-RCACIB, Luxembourg Champion

4 september 2021, Zwolle , Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Breed: Mrs. M. Vermeire (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood End Of Story CAC BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Hold My Beer JCAC CAC BOS Best Junior
1.Exc Dandlewood Gold Dust

21 augustus 2021, Brabo Winner Brussel, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs. J. Lawless (IE), Group: Mr. J.F. van Aken(BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, Brabo Winner, BOB, BIG
1.Exc Ch. Lythwood Charlotte CAC-CACIB, Brabo Winner, BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise RCAC-RCACIB

20 augustus 2021, German Winner, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs. S. Langhorst- de Haan (DE)
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, German Winner, BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-CACIB, German Winner, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lythwood Charlotte CAC

15 augustus 2021, IDS Ludwigshafen, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs. U. Länger (DE), Group: Mrs. J. Korósz-Papp (HU), Best of The Day: Mr. M. Lepasaar (EE), BIS: Mr. A. Cuccillato (IT)
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story CAC-CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream CAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Ch. Lythwood Charlotte CAC-RCACIB

8 augustus 2021, Pinkstershow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs. R. Loch-Romans (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB, BOS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Russian Dream RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Dandlewood Hold My Beer JCAC, Best Junior
2.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story RCACIB

18 juli 2021, Nordic Dog Show Västerås, Zweden (Cert-Nord.Cert)
Judges: Mr M. Gisslén (SE)
2.BTKL Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-R.Nordic Cert

4 juni 2021, Outdoor Goes, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mr. H. van den Berg (NL)
1.VB Dandlewood In The Nick Of Time Best Puppy
2.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story RCAC

Results of 2020:

27 september 2020, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr. C. Karcher (FR)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB BOS
1.Exc Ch. Dandlewood Endless Surprise RCAC-RCACIB

26 september 2020, IDS Maastricht, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs. R. van Veen-Keur (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back RCAC-RCACIB New Dutch Champion

13 september 2020, Outdoor Zwolle, Nederland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs. M. Melchior (LU)
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC BOS New Dutch Champion

13 september 2020, CAC Gummersbach II, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mr. J. Hartich (DE)
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story CAC
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC

12 september 2020, CAC Gummersbach I, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs. I. Reibert (DE)
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story CAC
2.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise RCAC

30 augustus 2020, CAC Dormagen, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs. S. Boyd (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise CAC
2.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise RCAC

16 augustus 2020, SRA Ibbenbüren, Duitsland (CAC)
Judges: Mr. R. Blessing (DE) 
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC BOB New German Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story CAC

7 maart 2020, Crufts, Birmingham 
Judges: Mrs S. Taylor (Bitches) & Mr D. Lambert (Dogs)
2nd Junior Dandlewood Endless Surprise

1 maart 2020, Martini Dogshow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs. A. Lundava (EE), Group: Mrs M. Vermeire (BE) 
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB BOB BIG
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story JCAC, Best Junior

29 februari 2020, Martini Dogshow, Nederland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs M. Vermeire (BE), 
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story JCAC, RCAC, Best Junior

23 februari 2020, 22nd Ambiorixtrophee HKV, België (CAC)
Judge: Mr J. Andersson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise JCAC BOS Best Junior

22 februari 2020, Clubmatch Hardenberg 
Judges: Breed, BIS Junior & Group: Mr G. Jipping (NL), BIS: Mr R. Doedijns (NL), Mr G. Jipping (NL), Mrs E. Upmeijer (NL) & Mrs T. Urek (SL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet BOB BIG BIS4
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood Endless Surprise Best Junior In Show 2

16 februari 2020, Championnat des 3 Frontières, Luxemburg (CAC)
Judges: Mrs E. Stotuth (DE), BIS: Mr P. Harsanyi (HU)
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC BOB BIS
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOS
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story JCACL, Best Junior + Luxembourg Junior Champion

16 februari 2020, International Dog Show Bø, Noorwegen (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr M. Lindborg (SE)
3.BTKL Dandlewood Easy Peasy RCAC

14 februari 2020, Nordic Dog Show Bø, Noorwegen (Cert-Nord.Cert)
Judges: Mr J. Partanen (NO)
2.BTKL Dandlewood Easy Peasy CAC-R.Nordic Cert

26 Januari 2020, IDS Moeskroen, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mrs A. Gregoire (BE)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s That’s My Girl RCAC-CACIB New International Champion

25 Januari 2020, Winter Dog Show, Finland (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr J. Ohlsson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Easy Peasy CC BOS

(Picture made by S. Seitsalo)

Results of 2019:

15 December 2019, Brussels Dog Show, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judges: Mr V. Piskay (SK), Group: N. Deschuymere
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB Crufts Qualification BOB BIG2
1. Exc Ch. Lundecock’s That’s My Girl RCAC-RCACIB

8 December 2019, Internationale Rassehunde-Austellung Kassel, Duitsland (CAC)
Judges: Mrs E. Stotuth (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB VDH Winner of the Year
1. Exc Ch. Lundecock’s That’s My Girl CAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Dandlewood End Of Story JCAC Best Junior

7 December 2019, Nationale Rassehunde-Austellung Kassel, Duitsland (CAC)
Judges: Mrs D. Klein (DE), Group: Mr. C. Fricke (DE), BIS: Mr C. Stefanescu (RO)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOB BIG BIS
1. Exc Ch. Lundecock’s That’s My Girl CAC

17 november 2019, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed & Group: Mrs C. Dunne (IE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB BOB BIG
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS

9 November 2019, Shetland Sheepdog Club North Whales Championship Show, Engeland 
Judges: Mr R. Searle (Dogs) & Mrs M. Daniels (Bitches)
1st Minor Puppy Dandlewood Easy Peasy
2nd Minor Puppy Dandlewood Endless Surprise
4th Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
4th Yearling Lundecock’s What A Surprise

3 November 2019,IDS Bleiswijk (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr R. Douma (NL), Puppy: Mr J. Stigt (NL), Couple: Mrs T. Hensema (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS
1.VB Dandlewood Easy Peasy Best Puppy + Shortlisted
BIS Couple: Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet & Dandlewood Easy Peasy

2 November 2019,IDS Bleiswijk (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs B. van den Berg (NL), Puppy: Mrs. P. Runderkamp (NL)
1.VB Dandlewood End Of Story BIS Puppy

20 oktober 2019, Belgian Shetland Sheepdog Club Specialty Show (CAC)
Judge: Mrs J. Hardy (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BIS
2.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back RCAC
1.VB Dandlewood Easy Peasy BIS Puppy
2.VB Dandlewood End Of Story

13 oktober 2019, Bundessieger Ausstellung Dortmund (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs S. Boyd (DE) & S. Langhorst- de Haan (DE), Group: Mrs L. Wilson (SA)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB Bundessieger BOB BIG3 Crufts Qualification
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB Bundessiegerin BOS Crufts Qualification

11 oktober 2019, Herbstsieger Ausstellung Dortmund (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr U. Nölke (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-RCACIB

29 september 2019, IDS Maastricht (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr M. James (GB), Puppy: Mrs S. Ylä-Mononen (FI)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB BOS
1.VB Dandlewood Endless Surprise BIS Puppy

28 september 2019, IDS Maastricht (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs C. Sonberg (NO), Group: Mr D. Rutten (NL)
1.Exc Lundecock’s What A Surprise CAC-CACIB BOB BIG3
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS
1.VB Dandlewood Easy Peasy Best Puppy

25 augustus 2019, IDS Rotterdam (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Mr J. Bond (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB

24 augustus 2019, IDS Rotterdam (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Breed: Mr R. Doedijns (NL), Group: Mr C. Beattie (IE), Minor Puppy: Mr A. Czeglédi (HU)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG2
1.VB Dandlewood Endless Surprise BIS-3 Minor Puppy

24 augustus 2019, WKC Championship Show, Wells, England 
Judge: Mr P. Lawless (IE)
2nd Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

14 juli 2019, Internationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Nürnberg (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Breed: Mrs R. Blessing (DE), Group: Mr R. Blessing (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG3
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC-CACIB BOS

13 juli 2019, Nationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Nürnberg (CAC) 
Judge: Breed: Mr R. Blessing (DE), Group: Mr P. Machetanz (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOB BIG3
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC

6 juli 2019, IDS Echt (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Breed Mrs M. Persson (SE), Group: Mr R. Blessing (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG

29 juni 2019, 21st IDS Ambiorixtrophy, Genk (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Mr R. Kinsey (GB)
1.VP Dandlewood Endless Surprise Best Minor Puppy and shortlisted in group
1.Exc Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC-RCACIB

15 juni 2019, Kampioenschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging 
Judge: Mrs K. Hateley (GB) (Dogs) and Mrs G. Beaden (GB) (Bitches) 
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOS
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back
BIS Couple

9 juni 2019, Pinkstershow Arnhem (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Mrs A. van Bussel (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back RCAC-CACIB

25 mei 2019, IDS Oss (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Breed: Mrs C. Mulcahy (IE), Group: Mr F. Conchetti (IT)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG4

19 mei 2019, Frühjahrsieger-Ausstellung, Dortmund (CAC-CACIB) 
Judge: Breed: Mr M. Wibier (DE), Group: Mr J. Opara (PL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG2
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC-CACIB

18 mei 2019, Europasieger, Dortmund (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr J. Hartich (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB Crufts Qualification
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC

21 April 2019, IDS Goes (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr B. Vandaele (BE), Group: Mrs L. Zizevske (LT)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG

20 April 2019, IDS Goes (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs B. van de Berg (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-CACIB
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back CACIB

7 April 2019, Hanzeshow, Zwolle (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr G. Devriendt (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Never Look Back CAC-CACIB
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCACIB

24 Maart 2019, Hazerswoude (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs E. Bakker-de Woestijnen(NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB

7 Maart 2019, Crufts, Birmingham 
Judges: Mrs M. Lambert (Bitches) & Mrs M. Botham (Dogs)
Res Lundecock’s Never Look Back

3 Maart 2019, Benelux Winner Show, Groningen (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr J. Bond (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB Benelux Winner NL’19 Crufts Qualification
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back

1 Maart 2019, Martini Dog Show, Groningen (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr J. Wulteputte (BE), Group: Mr R. Doedijns (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC RCAC Best Junior in Group

17 Februari 2019, Luxembourg (CAC)
Judge: Mrs A. Lundava (EE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CACL Reserve
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCACL Best Junior, Reserve + Luxembourg Junior Champion

1 Februari 2019, IDS Eindhoven (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs C. Kerssemeijer (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back RCAC-CACIB
BIS Couple (Judge: Mr P. Lawless (IE))

Results of 2018:

22 December 2018, Kerstshow, Venray (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr J. de Gids (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back RCAC-CACIB

16 December 2018, Amsterdam Winner (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs A. Gielisse (NL), Group: Mr R. Douma (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB Winner’18 BOB BIG Crufts Qualification
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC Junior Winner’18 Best Junior Crufts Qualification

14 December 2018, Holland Cup Amsterdam (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr R. Kotlár (HU)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC-RCAC Best Junior, Best Junior In Group (Judge: Mr R. Douma (NL))
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CACIB
BIS Breeder Lundecock’s (Judge: Mr G. Jipping (NL))

9 December 2018, Brussels Dog Show, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr J. Ritchie (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-RCACIB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC-RCACIB

18 November 2018, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed & Group: Mr F. Grenville (IE), BIS: Mrs L. de Ridder-Onghena (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG BIS6 Benelux Winner BE + Belgian Champion Crufts Qualification

17 November 2018, Eurodogshow Kortrijk, België (CAC-CACIB)
Judge:Mr  J. Walsh (IE)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-RCACIB

4 November 2018, IDS Bleiswijk (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr M. Lindborg (SE), Group: Mr J. de Gids (NL),  BIS: Z. Silva (PT)
1. Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG BIS3

3 November 2018, IDS Bleiswijk (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs N. Skalin (SE), Group: Mr P. Lawless (IE), BIS: Mrs N. Skalin (SE)
1. Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG RBIS

20 Oktober 2018, Kampioenschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging
Judge: Mrs G. De Wit-Bazelmans (NL) (Dogs) and Mrs S. Wigglesworth (GB) (Bitches) 
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOB Clubwinnaar 2018
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC
2.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back
2.Exc Dandlewood Double Trouble

7 October 2018, Yorkshire Shetland Sheepdog Club Open Show, Engeland
Judge: Mrs D. Lindford (GB) (Dogs) & Mrs L. French (GB) (Bitches)
1st Open & 1st Special Open Ch Lundecock’s Surprise Packet Reserve Best Dog
3th Junior Lundecock’s Never Look Back

5 Oktober 2018, South Wales Kennel Association Championship Show, Engeland
Judge: Mrs M. Bywater (GB)
4th Open Ch. lundecock’s Surprise Packet
3th Junior Lundecock’s Never Look Back

30 September 2018, IDS Maastricht (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: T. Hensema- van de Weij (NL), Group: J. Magdas (RO)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG2

29 September 2018, IDS Maastricht (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed & Group: Mrs. K. Gilliand (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG2

9 September 2018, IDS Rotterdam (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs M. Ten Cate (NL) 
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC RCAC New Dutch Junior Champion
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow RCACIB

8 September 2018, IDS Rotterdam (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr G. Jipping (NL), Group: Mr S. Giannone (FR), BIS: Mr G. Jipping (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG BIS3
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC CAC BOS

2 September 2018, Nationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Bremen, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs K. Voye (DE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOB New German Champion

1 September 2018, Internationale Rassehunde-Austellung Bremen, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mr P. Bailey (GB), Group: Mr G. Jipping (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG

(Picture made by A. Berger)

19 Augustus 2018, Clubsieger-Ausstellung Dormagen, Duitsland (CAC)
Judge: Mrs S. Boyd (DE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC Best Junior + BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOS
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow RCAC

11 Augustus 2018, Specialty Show, Amsterdam (CAC)
Judge: Mr C.V. Sudarsan (IN)
3.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

10 Augustus 2018, World Dog Show, Amsterdam (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs L. Mouchart (NL)
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-RCACIB
Exc Ch. Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room
Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back

9 Augustus 2018, Benelux Winner Show, Amsterdam (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr A. Tunold-Hanssen (NO)
3.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

6 Augustus 2018, Paignton Championship Show, Engeland
Judge: Mrs D. Junes (GB)
VHC Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
4th Post Graduate Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow
VHC Open Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On

4 Augustus 2018, Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Wales Open Show, Engeland
Judge: Mr B. Hawkins (GB)
2nd Open & 1st Special Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
2nd Post Graduate Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow
VHC Open Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On

29 Juli 2018, Leeds Championship Show, Engeland
Judge: Mr J. Carter (GB)
2nd Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
VHC Post Graduate Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow
VHC Open Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On

24 Juni 2018, Hanzeshow, Zwolle (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr D. Spruyt (BE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow RCACIB
1. VP Dandlewood Double Trouble Best Puppy

23 Juni 2018, IJsselshow, Zwolle (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs M. Kips (LUX)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOS

9 Juni 2018, IDS de Baronie, Tilburg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Breed: Mrs C. Kerssemeijer (NL), Group: Mr R. Doedijns (NL), BIS: H. van den Berg (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB BIG BIS
1.Exc Lundecock’s Never Look Back JCAC

28 April 2018, IDS Lingen, Duitsland (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs P. Runderkamp (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CAC-CACIB BOS New German Champion
1.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow CAC

14 April 2018, IDS Utrecht (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs P. Runderkamp (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CAC-CACIB BOS

8 April 2018, IDS Luxemburg (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs B. Müller (CH), Group: Mr J.R. Walsh (IE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CACL-CACIB BOB BIG3 New Luxemburg Champion

1 April 2018, IDS Goes (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr D. Rutten (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB New International Champion
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC-RCACIB

4 Maart 2018, Martini Dog Show, Groningen (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr M. James (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On

3 Maart 2018, Martini Dog Show, Groningen (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mrs B. van den Berg (NL)
1.VB Dandlewood Double Trouble Best Minor Puppy
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room RCAC-CACIB New Dutch Champion
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On RCAC-RCACIB

18 Februari 2018, Luxemburg CACL
judge: Mrs H. Poschacher (AU)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CACL BOB
3.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On

11 Februari 2018, IDS Fredericia
Judge: Mr D. Rutten (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB New Danish & Swedish Champion

21 Januari 2018, Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wales Open Show
Judge: Mrs J. Lilley (GB)
1st Open Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet BIS

20 Januari 2018, Manchester Championship Show
Judge: Mrs Jane Tunnicliffe (GB)
1st Post Graduate Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

Results of 2017:

17 December 2017, Belgian Winner Show, Brussel
Judge: Mrs Karin Hedberg (SE)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB Belgian Winner-17 Crufts Qualification

10 December 2017, Amsterdam Winner Show
Judge: Mrs Tiny Hensema (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB Amsterdam Winner-17 Crufts Qualification
2.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room ResCACIB

8 December 2017, Holland Cup, Amsterdam
Judge: Mrs Eva Nielsson (SE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-CACIB New Dutch Champion

6 November 2017, IDS Bleiswijk
Judge: Mrs Carin Akesson (SE)
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-RCACIB

21 Oktober 2017, Kampioensschapsclubmatch Nederlandse Sheltie Vereniging
Judge: Mrs Pamela Runderkamp (Dogs) and Mrs Marion ten Cate (Bitches) (NL)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOS RBIS
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room

14 Oktober 2017, Belgian Shetland Sheepdog Club Clubshow, Landen
Judge: Mrs Lesley Goodwin (Dogs) and Mr Keith Goodwin (Bitches) (GB)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet BOB CAC
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room

8 Oktober 2017, Hanzeshow, Zwolle (CAC-CACIB)
Judge: Mr Rolf Blessing (DE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB

1 Oktober 2017, IDS Maastricht dag 2
Judge: Mr Rony Doedijns (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room CAC-CACIB BOB
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCACIB

30 September 2017, IDS Maastricht dag 1
Judge: Mrs Nadija Timmermans-Kadenko (NL)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet RCAC-CACIB

6 Augustus 2017, Gotland Dog Show, Sweden
Judge: Mrs Marita Östlund-Holmsten (SE)
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CK
3.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CK

5 Augustus 2017, Gotland Dog Show, Sweden
Judge: Mrs Zorica Salijevic (SE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CK 2nd best dog RCAC
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CK

30 Juli 2017, Benelux Winner NL, Rotterdam
Judge: Mrs Bianca van den Berg (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CAC-CACIB Benelux Winner Crufts Qualification
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

29 Juli 2017, IDS Rotterdam
Judge: Mr Gerard Cox (IE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB

23 Juli 2017, Golden Dog Trophy, Luik
Judge: Mr Marian Draganescu (ROM)
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

22 Juli 2017, Golden Dog Trophy, Luik
Judge: Mrs Yana Gavrilova (RUS)
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet

2 Juli 2017, IDS Limburgia, Echt
Judge: Mr Hans van den Berg (NL)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC-CACIB BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow
3.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On

24 Juni 2017,GRA Wirges II
Judge: Mr Allan Matthews (IE)
1.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet CAC BOB
1.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow CAC
2.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room RCAC

24 Juni 2017, IDS Ambiorix, Genk
Judge: Mrs Ann Stafford (GB) and Mrs L. Worthy (GB) groups
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK’14
2.Exc Lundecock’s Surprise Packet
2.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room
2nd best group in show

4 Juni 2017, Pinkstershow, Venray
Judge: Mrs S. Walsh (IE)
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow

20 Mei 2017, Dank Shetland Sheepdog Klub, Club Show, Nr. Aaby
Judge: Mrs Gro Svandalsflona (NO)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK’14 CK
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow CK

19 Mei 2017, IDS Dortmund, Duitsland
Judge: Mr Leif-Hermann Wilberg (NO)
1.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow CAC
2.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK’14 RCAC

15 April 2017, IDS Goes
Judge: Mrs Anita van Bussel (NL)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK’14
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow

12 Maart 2017, Crufts, Birmingham
Judge: Mrs Heather Bendelow (GB) Dogs and Mr R Bathurst (GB) Bitches
2nd Yearling Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room

(Picture made by Anna Visser)

4 Maart 2017, Dank Shetland Sheepdog Klub, Club Show, Nr. Aaby
Judge: Ulla Berg-Persson (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room
Results of 2016:

11 December 2016, Amsterdam Winner, Amsterdam
Judge: Marion ten Cate (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room Best Junior and Junior Winner Crufts Qualification
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow

09 December 2016, Holland Cup, Amsterdam
Judge: Rachel Dijkhorst- de Noij (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room Best Junior and New Dutch Junior Champion

13 November 2016, Belgian Shetland Sheepdog Club Clubshow, Deinze
Judge: Maureen Bywater (GB)
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers NJK On BOB CAC
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room JCAC Best Dog and Best Junior
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow
Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room & Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On BIS Couple
Lundecock's Keep Your Knickers On

22 Oktober 2016, Dutch Sheltie Clubmatch, Woudenberg
Judges: Erica Bakker- de Woestijne (NL) Bitches and Jan de Gids (NL) Dogs
2.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room
2.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow

16 Oktober 2016, IDS Dortmund, Duitsland
Judge: Marion ten Cate (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Artemis Arrow JCAC Best Junior
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room JCAC

25 September 2016, Benelux Winner NL, Maastricht
Judge: Loes Mouchart-Kleingeld (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room CAC BOB Best Junior, New Benelux Junior Winner NL, Benelux Winner NL, Benelux Junior Champion and  Crufts Qualification
1.Exc Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK Res.CACIB
3.Exc Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow

3 September 2016, IDS Rotterdam
Judge: Tiny Hensema (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room CAC BOS
2.Exc Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On Res.CAC-Res.CACIB New Dutch Champion

26 Augustus 2016, European Dog Show, Brussels
Judge: Rony Doedijns (NL)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room JCAC Best Junior and 2nd Junior in group 1, New European Junior Winner, Benelux Junior Winner BE and Crufts Qualification


9 Juli 2016, Hallands KK Nationell, Tvååker
Judge: Charlotte Laning (SE)
1.Exc Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room
2.Exc Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK CK


11 Juni 2016, Youth Dog Show of the Dutch Sheltie Club, Zaltbommel
Judges: Tiny Hensema (NL) Dogs and Anita van Bussel (NL) Bitches
1. Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room Best Puppy in Class
1. Dandlewood Artemis’ Arrow Best Puppy in Class


4 Juni 2016, IDS de Baronie, Tilburg
Judge: M. Vermeire (BE)
1. Exc Ashley VCAC Best Veteran

22 Mei 2016, Youth Dog Show KC Zwolle, Zwolle
Judges: J. de Jong-Bol (NL), Dhr. M. Wisman (NL) & Mw. E.B. Joustra (NL)
BIS Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room

Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room

8 Mei 2016, Joe Kat Show, Arnhem
Judge: Mark Wibier (DE)
1.Exc Ashley VCAC Best Veteran

24 April 2016, IDS Lingen
Judge: Attila Czeglédi (HU) (Minor Puppies and Puppies) and Rachel Dijkhorst- de Noij (NL) (Adults)
1.VP Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room Best Puppy
1.Exc Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On CAC-Res.CACIB Reserve Best Bitch
Lundecock's Keep Your Knickers On

19 Maart 2016, Rijnland Show, Hazerswoude
Judge: Jan de Gids (NL)
1.VP Dandlewood Boom Boom Shake The Room Best Minor Puppy