CIB NL DE BE Ch. Lundecock’s Keep Your Knickers On NJK BWNL’17 NVK Dutch Grand Champion VW’22


Nederlands jeugd kampioen
Nederlands kampioen
Nederlands Veteranen Kampioen
Duits kampioen
Belgisch Kampioen
Internationaal Kampioen
Dutch Grand Champion
Benelux Winner 2017
Dutch Veteran Winner 2022
BOB op de BSSC Show
5de beste Sheltie in Duitsland 2015

“13 maanden, heel mooi typisch teefje. Mooie maat en lichaamslengte. Zeer typische expressie, mooi zoet. Goed gevormd hoofd en voorsnuit, fraaie tipoortjes. Zit pico bello in elkaar. Alle Kwaliteiten zijn aanwezig, het is alleen een kwestie van volwassen worden. Beweegt gemakkelijk.”  Rob Douma(NL), 29 mei 2014

“Absolutely an Excellent. Real quality, love the head. Excellent ear set, good eye, perfect bite. Extremely good front. Correct bone and feet. Absolutely typical in profile. Very Feminine. Excellent tail set and length. Excellent movement. And when she got her full jacket, she will be very hard to beat. 1 Excellent.”  Barrie Croft (GB), 28 september 2014

“Very feminine and sweet expression. Correct head type. Good reach of neck. Lovely outline, good angulations. Level top line. Sweep slope over the croup. Moved very well, good bone.” Maureen Bywater (GB), 13 november 2016

“5,5 years old golden sable. Very much what I like. She has all the femininity that one desires from a bitch. She has a classic outline and standing true in front and behind standing well. Beautiful head, beautiful moulding of fore face, good under jaw, perceptible stop. Good flat skull with beautiful ears. Good neck and outline. Not in full coat. This is an advantage as her outline needs no camouflage. She moved very well. A worthy champion”  Sandra Wigglesworth (GB), 20 Oktober 2018

D.O.B. 04-05-2013

CEA clear

NORD SE FI DK Ch. Tachnamadra The Designer CIB NORD GB SE DK NO Ch Japaro By Design Degallo The Legend JW GB Ch. Orean Rainbow Warrior
Degallo Sweet Magic
GB Ch. Japaro Song ‘N’ Dance Harribrae Herritage
Degallo Hocus Pocus at Japaro
Tachnamadra Time Will Tell Shelridge Socrates Marklin Wandasson at Shelridge
Shelridge Sylphide
Tachnamadra Timeless GB Ch. Rowancrest Regality
Tegwel Seleena at Rowancrest
Daisyway Betty Lou GB Ch. Blazefield Hard Rock Café at Edglonian SE Ch. Edglonian Strolling Nomad of Lochkaren Milesend Stroller
Edglonian Rather A Dark Glow
Blazefield Delicious Bite EE FI SE Ch. Marilake The Storyteller
SE Ch. Shellrick’s Summer Party
Daisyway Pandora’s Melody GB Ch. Sterndale Moon Illusion at Amethric GB Ch. Mohnesee The Illusionist
Amethrickeh Red Moon at Sterndale
Wendisle Irish Melody at Daisyway CIB NORD FI Ch. Penrave Piccadillo
Wendisle Steptonia

These are our dogs!
NO Jr.Ch. NO JV-24 Dandlewood Love Letter
Dandlewood Kiss ‘N Tell at Lianbray
Lundecock’s Shape Of Art NJK
DK LUX NL Ch. Dandlewood Keep Watching Me CIB-J NJK JWW’23 W’23
DE LUX NL Ch. Dandlewood Knock Knock CIB-J NJK SE JV-22 EJW-23 EJS-23
CIB FI LUX NL NO PL SE Ch. WW’24 CW’24 Lundecock’s Final Salute
Dandlewood Hold My Beer
CIB DK FI NL SE Ch. Lundecock’s Read It All
CIB LUX NL SE Ch. JWW’20 RSCE JW’20 NJK Dandlewood Just Stylish

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